Tip of the Month

Toronto Ontario Canada M1R 3W6 Phone: 416-751-9823    cala_aqua@mac.com 

 Facebook CALA Canadian Aquafitness Leaders Alliance Inc  CALA Instructors Only


Charlene Kopansky,
President & Founder,
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Professionalism is seen in every CALA Leader

Successful CALA Aquafitness leadership involves the integration of the following:

  • Ability to design appropriate aquafitness classes (warm up, work out, stretch and relaxation)
  • Effective verbal and visual cueing skills
  • Honouring participants with a holistic leadership style
  • Ability to accurately demonstrate and cue the CALA movement bank
  • Ability to move and cue effectively to music
  • Practical knowledge of aquatic exercise physiology
  • Knowledge of anatomy required to analyze / design aquatic exercises
  • Ability to manipulate the Magical Properties of water in aquatic exercise design
  • Willingness to honour and nurture yourself in your leadership journey

Gradually harmonize new knowledge and skills with the design and delivery of aquafitness classes.  Along the way, ask your colleagues or a CALA mentor to evaluate specific areas of your leadership. The small risks you take as you work toward your goals can result in outstanding progress.


  • The aquafitness leader is a fitness professional trained to teach class members to execute movements safely, and effectively.  This requires skillful cueing.
  • Body alignment, limb position, intensity options, breathing and safety cues can all be demonstrated well and seen clearly when the instructor is is elevated and visible on deck.
  • Aquafitness leaders are trained to select movements appropriate for the water.  This ensures that the class is purposeful and enjoyable.  Leaders must practice doing the moves in the water before leading the class from the deck.
  • Speed, range of motion and intensity of movement are very different on the land than they are for the participants in the water. Trained leaders understand these differences and demonstrate movements from deck which are suitable for the various ability levels in the aquafitness class,
  • Leaders choose music which is motivating and at the correct speed for aquatic movement (118 - 124 bmp). Tempo varieties which range from 2X tempo to 1/4 tempo will be selected and cued to suit the desired movement speed and range of motion.
  • Each participant has different abilities and fitness levels. On deck, the leader can clearly show participants how to modify the movements and make the workout harder or easier to suit individual needs.
  • Instructors assess how hard participants are working by observing skin coloration, breathing rates and the ability to talk.
  • The leader works hard to lead safe, effective and enjoyable classes for their participants.


The aquafitness leader will cue:
  • Postural alignment
  • Buoyancy
  • Surface area
  • Range of motion
  • Joint safety
  • Alternative moves


  • Used to educate, motivate and inspire.
  • CALA leaders use two way communication.  They practice being a good listener.
  • They accept and celebrate individual differences and accomplishments.
  • They value the level of experience and knowledge of participants.
  • They consistently offer alternatives in a non-judgmental way.
  • Our leaders get to know their participants both in and out of the class

CALA Code Of Conduct For Aquafitness Leadership

  1. Your activities associated with CALA will be of the highest professional standard. you are the vanguard of aquafitness leadership in Canada, and the world. Consequently, others will be looking to you as a role model. Use that focus to continually improve your abilities.
  2. Always feel free to experiment and to advance the boundaries of what we know to be aquafitness. It is important to 'push the field' as we create the future of this industry.
  3. Knowledge and ability are a potent combination. The final ingredient for exceptional leadership is a positive attitude! CALA leaders exemplify holism. It is important to promote and demonstrate the integration of the mind, body, and spirit to your participants. We ask that you look for the strengths that reside in yourself and in others. Bring them forward and celebrate them! It is your role to develop the excellence to be found in everyone.
  4. The more pleasure you experienced as a leader, the more your participants will have. When your participants have the opportunity to experience the joy of movement, aquafitness will become an integral component of their lives. Your participants will share in the pleasure of allowing the mind to discover, the body to move, and the spirit to soar.
  5. As a CALA trained and certified leader:
    • You demonstrate a respect of other leadership styles.
    • You embrace all ages, races, cultures, genders, shapes and sizes of participants.
    • You embrace all aspects of the fitness industry and celebrate the differences.
    • You display a professional approach to leadership and learning
    • You share news about personal growth and development with fellow leaders, participants and others.
    • You display a professional appearance including clothing, footwear, and personal hygiene when in a leadership role
    • You pursue ongoing professional development of continually upgrade your skills.

Adherence to this code assures us all continued growth in a mutually supportive and rewarding environment through membership in the Canadian Aquafitness Leaders Alliance Inc.



CALA • Toronto, Ontario • M1R 3W6 • Canada  •  Phone: 416-751-9823 • CALA_AQUA@mac.com 


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Web site: Last Update:  August 06, 2021